Math Shot

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Here’s a little game that is can be played in your browser or cell phone.  Students can practice their multiplication facts while shooting metal ducks and earning points.  Hits and misses are kept on the notepad and grade displayed throughout gameplay.


Memorization of the times tables is falling by the wayside. Use “Math Shot” to encourage your students to practice.


2048 Isometric

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Mathler is like Wordle but with a mathematical expression. Click on game window to begin.



Retro Tetris

A retro reproduction of the original Tetris.


Tic Tac Toe

Here’s a simple Tic Tac Toe game designed for the Mu Alpha Theta tournament at our high school.  The way we played:  1) Teacher gives a math problem.  2) Either team can buzz in with the answer (in a Jeopardy still response).  3) If correct, the answering team chooses a square.  4) Then select the appropriate team button.  5)  Hit R button to reset.

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Multi-player only, no AI in this one.